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A Special Issue on Cities and Economic DevelopmentGuest Editors: Shihe Fu (Wuhan University), Junfu Zhang (Clark University)The International Studies of Economics (ISE) invites submissions of manuscri...
We are pleased to announce that theInternational Studies of Economics (ISE)2022 “Best Paper Award” goes to Understanding the Inventor Team Size: A View from “The Rice Theory”byYixin Zhao(Guanghua ...
We are pleased to announce that theInternational Studies of Economics (ISE) has been included by Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) since February 2023. Initiated and maintained jointly by Lund ...
International Studies of Economics (ISE)Issue 1, 2022Propelling steady growth and high-quality development through deeper reform and more comprehensive opening up: Outlook, policy simulations, and ref...
International Studies of Economics (formerlyFrontiers of Economics in China), published by Wiley on behalf of Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, is pleased to announce the appointment of a ...
It is with great gratitude that we announce that Professor Zhiqi Chen, Executive Editor of the International Studies of Economics(formerly Frontiers of Economics in China), will leave office on July 1...
We are pleased to announce that Shanghai University of Finance and Economics has entered into a cooperation agreement with Wiley, the world’s second largest publisher, regarding the publication of Fr...
Frontiers of Economics in ChinaVolume 16, Issue 4 (December 2021)The COVID-19 Pandemic: Impact and ResponsesChen Cheng, Jiasheng Li, Chuanchuan ZhangVariations in Governmental Responses to and the Dif...
We are pleased to announce that the FEC has been awarded the distinctionof 2021 The Highest International Impact Academic Journals of China (Humanities and Social Sciences) in the 2021 Annual Report o...
The Frontiers of Economics in China (FEC)invites submissions of manuscripts for a symposium on the economics of the “One Belt One Road” Initiative (also known as the Belt and Road Initiative, or BRI...
The Frontiers of Economics in Chinainvites submissions of manuscripts on economic issues related to the COVID-19 pandemic for expedited publication. Given the rapid evolution of the pandemic and its i...
FEC 2020 December IssueSymposium: Economic Impact of the COVID-19 PandemicZhiqi ChenSymposium on the Economic Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic:AnIntroductionSuqin Ge, Yu ZhouSocial Distancing, Labor Ma...
We are pleased to announce that the FEC has been awarded the distinctionof 2020 The Highest International Impact Academic Journals of China (Humanities and Social Sciences) in the 2020 Annual Report o...
Amidst all the chaos and inconvenience caused by Covid-19, to facilitate home-officing and research work,allpublished papers in back issuesofFrontiers of Economics in China (FEC)arecurrentlyfull-text ...
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